American Government

Lastly, the judicial branch can check this law by declaring it unconstitutional through its power of judicial review, which was a result of the Supreme Court case of Marbury vs Madison in 1803. So as you can see, even though each branch has powers to accomplish things in government, they can only exercise these powers fully through a system of checks and balances. This ultimately makes the government move much slower with this principle in place, but it allows the safe execution of government powers know that the other two branches can stop anything that isn’t the best for the people.

1.6 Chapter 1 Review Questions 1. Which principle of government provides the power and authority of government to the people? a. Popular Sovereignty b. Limited Government c. Separation of Powers d. Federalism 2. Which principle of government establishes a sharing of power between the state and federal governments? a. Popular Sovereignty b. Limited Government c. Separation of Powers d. Federalism 3. Which branch of government has the power to create laws? a. Federal Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Legislative Branch d. Executive Branch 4. Which branch of government has the power to carry out the laws? a. Federal Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Legislative Branch d. Executive Branch

5. Which branch of government has the power to interpret the meaning of laws? a. Federal Branch b. Judicial Branch c. Legislative Branch d. Executive Branch 6. Which principle of government ensure that no branch of government becomes more powerful than the others? a. Popular Sovereignty b. Limited Government c. Separation of Powers d. Checks and Balances 7. What plan of government failed before the United States Constitution? a. Magna Carta b. Articles of Confederation c. Declaration of Independence d. Federalist Papers 8. What principle of government allows the government to only exercise powers given to it within the constitution? a. Popular Sovereignty b. Limited Government c. Separation of Powers d. Checks and Balances


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