American Government

3. How old must one be to become a repre- sentative in the United States House of Representatives? a b c. . . 2 3 3 5 0 5 d. no age requirement 4. How old must one be to become the Presi dent of the United States? a b c. . . 2 3 3 5 0 5 d. no age requirement 5. What fraction of the vote is needed to override a veto? a b c. . . 1 1 2 / / / 4 2 3 d. 3/4 6. What fraction of the vote is needed to recommend an amendment from the U.S. Congress? a b c. . . 1 1 2 / / / 4 2 3 d. 3/4

7. What fraction of the vote is needed by state legislatures to ratify an amendment? a b c. . . 1 1 2 / / / 4 2 3 d. 3/4 8. What term means to have the majority of people present for a vote in Congress? a b c. . . q r o a u r t i o i g f r i y n u a m l jurisdiction d. republic 9. What term means laws passed after the fact of someone doing something illegal? a. habeas corpus b. bill of attainder c. ex post facto d. veto 10. What terms means the right for a prisoner to have a day in court and be heard? a. habeas corpus b. bill of attainder c. ex post facto d. veto


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