American Government

4.5 The Remaining Amendments Since the progressive era, there have been a few changes and implementation that were needed over the last one hundred years. 20 th Presidential terms begin on January 20 th after the election in November. 21 st Repeals the 18 th amendment where the sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol were banned. 22 nd 2 term limit for the President of the United States and a Vice President that takes over before two years can still serve two full terms. 23 rd Washington D.C. gets 3 electoral college votes. 24 th Poll taxes were made illegal. 25 th Guidelines for the vacancy, incapacitation, and impeachment of a president. 26 th Voting age was lowered to 18. 27 th Raises for Congress can’t be received until they are reelected. Many of these moves related to important historical events or needs as they presented themselves. The twenty-second amendment wanted to ensure that one person never had too much power. Even thoughmanywere happywith the tenure of FDR as president, they realized that someone too popular could be given too much power within the government. The twenty-sixth amendment was passed around the end of the VietnamWar era. Many soldierswere under twenty-one years of age, yet they were forced to �ight in a war they didn’t get a cha nce to elect a president. Logic prevailed and allowed people the age of eighteen the right to vote. 4.6 Chapter 4 Review Questions 1. What amendment protects the right to bear arms? a. 1 st b. 2 nd c. 3 rd d. 4 th 2. What amendment protects citizens from illegal searches and seizures? a. 1 st 3. What amendment protects the right to free speech, assembly, press, petition, and religion? a. 1 st b. 2 nd c. 3 rd d. 4 th 4. What amendment protects against the illegal quartering of soldiers during peacetime? a. 1 st

b. 2 nd c. 3 rd d. 4 th

b. 2 nd c. 3 rd d. 4 th


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