Clinical Assessment Preparation
CPNE Study Guide
1. Numeric Rating Scale 2. FACES Pain Rating Scale 3. FLACC Pain Assessment Tool 4. Observed behaviors
• Guidelines: Length of time for holding a thermometer Size and position of BP cuff Placement of stethoscope Avoiding do not use arm (arm with dialysis shunt) Direct skin contact with stethoscope Oral, axillary, temporal, tympanic, or rectal; will be designated on PCS Wear gloves! Document temperature to the exact degree Document site where temperature is assessed • Apical/radial pulse (within +/- 5 beats for adults, +/- 10 beats for 2 years and under) and respirations (within +/- 2 respirations per minute for adults, +/- 6 respirations per minute for patients under 2 years) Count for a full minute Can change from radial to apical, but not apical to radial Need to inform the instructor of the length of counting time Always assess directly on skin Document site where pulse is assessed • Blood pressure (+/- 6 mm) Chose appropriate size cuff Bell or diaphragm can be used Wait 1 minute between each BP assessment Pump cuff to 30 mm higher than baseline Document site where blood pressure is obtained • Oxygen saturation Review unit protocol parameters Reported values will be established on Kardex Document oxygen saturation level to the exact percentage Document oxygen delivery rate Document oxygen delivery method • Pain level Scales; 0-10, analog, faces, FLACC • When using the FLACC scale, the CE will need to do this at the same time • Review child growth and development Observation of pain behaviors Need to intervene for pain even if pain management is not assigned as an area of care Document pain level to the exact number or description of observed behavior Document method used for pain assessment • Temperature (within 0.2 degrees)
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