Clinical Assessment Preparation
CPNE Study Guide
Correct indication for use of medication(s) Accurate flow rate for gravity flow (drops per minute) or ICD setting (mL per hour) on the MAR Pertinent patient data associated with assigned medication(s): a) Temperature to exact degree b) Site where temperature assessed c) Pulse: +/- 5 beats per minute for patients 2 years or older, or +/- 10 beats per minute for patients under 2 years d) Blood pressure within established parameters of +/- 6 millimeters of mercury for systolic or diastolic readings e) Site where blood pressure obtained f) Pain level to exact number or description of observed behaviors g) Method used for pain assessment 4. Immediately after administering medication: Student name, initials, and designation on the signature section of the MAR Indicate whether each medication is given or not given by placing initials in the appropriate box on MAR Document assessment data to support reason for not giving a medication Condition of the intravenous insertion site (peripheral, central) before medication administration Condition of the intravenous insertion site (peripheral, central) after medication administration, including medications still infusing Site of injectable medication Condition of site of injectable medication Type and volume of flush on fluid management flow sheet Type and volume of intravenous mini bag on fluid management flow sheet 5. Patient response to medication Medications will be assigned for a specific time during the PCS. The medication(s) must be administered within 30 minutes of the assigned time. The student must initial and sign the MAR immediately after administering the medication(s). The student will also be responsible for patient teaching. Prior to preparing the medication(s) the student must document pertinent data (as appropriate) and indications for each medication on the MAR and provide to the CE for review. The CE will ask the student if he/she is ready for the documentation to be reviewed. Once the student responds affirmatively, the CE will verify the information is correct based on the patient’s current clinical condition. The CE will instruct the student to proceed if the information is completely correct.
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