College Composition (Abridged)
College Composition Abridged Study Guide
1.2 Sentences The two types of clauses are used to create four types of sentences. The classification of sentence type is not related to sentence length. The combinations are based on number and type of clauses contained within the sentence. Sentence Types • Simple: Simple sentences contain one independent clause. o The dog buried a bone in the backyard. • Complex: Complex sentences contain an independent clause and a dependent clause. o Because the dog wanted to hide his bone, he buried it in the backyard. • Compound: Compound sentences contain more than one independent clause. o The dog put his bone in his mouth and he buried it in the backyard. • Compound-complex: Compound complex sentences contain multiple independent clauses and one or more dependent clause. o Whenever I give my dog a bone, he chews on it for a while then he buries it in the backyard. To create sentence variety, writers should use all four sentence types. Complex sentences are the most frequently used sentence type. Compound-complex sentences are used less frequently. This classification structure only describes the relationship of clauses in the sentence. It does not say anything concerning the effectiveness of the sentences themselves. Sentences can also be classified based on the effect of the arrangement of words. There are three classifications in this structure. • Loose: The subject and the predicate of the main clause begin the sentence. This is the most natural pattern and sounds the most like natural speech. o He told us a story about the day he graduated from college. • Periodic: The subject and predicate of the main clause occur after significant dependent elements. This type of sentence is used to create emphasis. o Because he was the first member of his family to attend college, and he graduated with honors, he told the story proudly. • Balanced: The subjects and verbs of independent clauses are parallel. This makes the sentence easier to remember. o “Marriage isn’t a word; it’s a sentence.” Some writers instinctively write using one or two types of sentences. Strong writers strive to incorporate several different sentence styles into their writing. A writer’s prose style refers to how he or she incorporates different sentence types into the writing.
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