College Composition

College Composition Study Guide

Pronouns Who versus whom: The correct way to use the pronoun who versus whom can be confusing to writers. Who is used as the subject of the verb. Whom is used as the object of the verb. • Whom did you call last night? • Who called you? If you are having trouble deciding which word is the object of the verb, try changing the word order. Putting the sentence in this order can help: subject, verb, and then object. • You called whom last night? You can also try replacing who or whom with either he or him . He replaces who and him replaces whom (both words have the letter m). • You called him last night? • He called you? Possessive forms: The word it causes confusion for many writers. Normally, the possessive form of a noun is formed by adding –‘s. However, the possessive form of it is its . The only time it’s is used is as a contraction for it is . • The store closed its doors for the last time. • It’s closed permanently. To check if you’ve got this right, try replacing it’s with it is . If the sentence still makes sense, use it’s . This same rule applies to your and you’re . Your is possessive. You’re is the contraction you are . Also, there is a place. Their is possessive . They’re is the contraction form of they are . Pronouns in compound constructions: I (or he, she, it, they) is used to replace the subject of the verb. Me (or him, her, them) is used to replace the object of the verb. Which is correct? • Beth and I walked to the park. • The teacher gave detentions to Beth and me. Both are correct. If you’re having trouble deciding which word to use, try taking the extra subject out of the sentence. If it still makes sense, you’ve got it right. Pronouns after the verb to be: Which is correct? • It was me on the phone. • It was I on the phone. I is the subject of the verb. Me is the object of the verb. Therefore, it was I is correct. Unfortunately, it sounds awkward and unnatural. It is better to rewrite the sentence to avoid this construction. • I was on the phone.



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