College Composition

College Composition Study Guide 6. Which sentence is correct? a. Its too hot outside to ride our bikes. b. It’s very hard to put new spark plugs on a Chevy. c. Its going to take at least a month for the shoes I order to arrive. d. That chair has a mark on it’s leg. 7. Which sentence is correct? a. There going to have a hard time getting people to leave this party. b. Their taking a trip to Italy at the end of the month. c. The flashlight is in the nightstand over there. d. They’re used to be a grocery store where that gas station is. 8. Which sentence is correct? a. Whom ate the last piece of birthday cake? b. With who are you going to the dance? c. Who gets to help who? d. To whom are you sending that text? 9. Which sentence is correct? a. Nikki and Josh was working hard to study for the test. b. David and Cara were replacing the batteries in the remote control. c. The chairs and the table is in the wrong place. d. The rabbits was hopping in their cage. 10. Which sentence is correct? a. The student had a hard time finding their homework. b. Each customer needs to download their coupon before checking out. c. The bowling team brought their own balls. d. The goldfish have their own pond.

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