College Math
College Math Study Guide
Chapter 5: Data Analysis and Statistics Overview Data has become very important part of our lives. In order to take any decision in business, personal life, economics, travel and everywhere, we make use of data. It is very important that we understand, analyze and interpret those data so as to form intelligent decision making. Data analysis and interpretation helps us to understand the meaning of different figures given by various plots, graphs and other forms of pictorial representation. This chapter will groom your analytical skills with respect to understanding different forms of data representation and basics of statistics. In this chapter, you will learn with the help of comprehensive examples how to read different forms of data representation like data tables, bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts, and interpret meaningful information from this. Further, you will learn about the measures and measures of dispersion in understanding a series of data. Obj ctives By the end of the chapter, you will learn about: • Different data representation forms • Analysis and interpretation of data from data tables, bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts • Application of mean, median, and mode as the measures of central tendency • Range of data • Standard deviation as the measure of dispersion 5.1 Data Interpretation Data plays a very vital role in our day to day life. When the data at hand is small, it is easy to understand, analyze and interpret in order to form substantial decisions. However, in case the data is very large, then it is generally presented in different ways, like data tables, graphs, bar charts, pie charts, scatterplots, histograms etc. In such cases, it is imperative that the user is able to understand and analyze the data precisely. The process of understanding the data from its represented form is known as data interpretation. Now, we shall take each of these precise forms and understand how they can be interpreted using some examples.
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