Developmental Psychology
Achieve Test Prep: Developmental Psychology
Defense Mechanism
Blocking a threatening memory from the consciousness
Children from abusive homes may not remember the specific abuse
Placing hostile feelings onto objects other than the source of the feelings
A child who is upset about a new baby coming home and cuts the hair off of dolls or breaks them apart Someone refusing to drink, and instead of saying they prefer not to drink. Giving an alternate excuse to avoid harassment of peers. Someone who is uncertain about their religious faith may become evangelical and try to convert their peers A previous only child who no longer sleeps with a blanket or favorite toy begins to do so again after a new baby arrives
Justifying a failure with a socially acceptable reason instead of the actual reason
Reaction Formation
Changing feelings of anxiety into their opposite in ‘real life’
Going back to an earlier state of behavior
Refusing to admit that something upsetting exists
A parent is told her child is cutting school but the parent refuses to believe it.
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