Developmental Psychology

Achieve Test Prep: Developmental Psychology

Below are the life stages according to Erikson :


Stage/Conflict Faced

Characteristics/ Questions Asked Infants learn to trust caregivers to supply their needs.


Birth to 1 year Trust vs. Mistrust

If the child’s needs are not met, they will not trust people or the world to help support them. If the issue is resolved, the infant will learn to hope. If the toddler is not allowed to explore and learn to become self-sufficient, they may grow to doubt themselves. If the child learns they can do things by themselves, they will learn “free/self-will.” If the conflict is resolved, the child learns their purpose. If their conflict is not resolved, the child will develop feelings of guilt for wanting independence. If the conflict is resolved the child learns “competence.” If the conflict is not resolved, the child may feel inferior. If the conflict is resolved, the adolescent will learn a “fidelity” to a particular identity. If the conflict is not resolved, the adolescent may feel conflicted with their role, for the remainder of their life.

“Is the world predictable and supportive?”

Age: 2-3 years

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Toddlers explore independence and must be allowed to start becoming self-sufficient.

“Can I do things by myself or do I need others to help?”

Age: 4-5 years Initiative vs. Guilt

Children learn about the acceptability of their actions. They must have the ability to explore and help with tasks and projects -“Am I good or bad?” Children learn to accomplish things and want to be productive members of their family/society. -“Am I successful or am I a failure?” Adolescents need to explore their identity and discover their inner self “Who am I and who will I be?”

Age: 6-11 years Industry vs. Inferiority

Age: 12-18 years

Identity vs. Role Confusion

Young Adult

Intimacy vs.

Individuals consider relationships If the conflict is resolved, the

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