Developmental Psychology
Achieve Test Prep: Developmental Psychology
a. Classical/Negative b. Operant/Positive c. Operant/Negative d. Classical/Positive
6. Jane’s mother has two crackers, both of equal size. The mother breaks one of the crackers into four pieces. Jane, wanting the most, grabs all four pieces even though the pieces and whole cracker are equal. Jane’s choice illustrates Piaget’s concepts of: a. Egocentrism b. Concrete Operations c. Conservatism d. Humility 7. Who was the developmental theorist who proposed the idea of unconditional positive regard? a. Erikson b. Freud
c. Maslow d. Rogers
8. Which of the following has unlimited storage and duration? a. Working Memory b. Sensory Memory
c. Long-Term Memory d. Short-Term Memory
9. Who postulated the idea of social learning, using a Bobo doll? a. Piaget b. Bandura
c. Skinner d. Maslow
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