Developmental Psychology
Achieve Test Prep: Developmental Psychology
upset, the stranger was able to comfort them. When the mother returned, the child either ignored her or approached her with caution. • Insecurely Attached and Resistant: These children were clingy to their mothers from the start. They did not want to leave her to play with the toys and if she was not readily available, the child grew anxious. When the mother left the room, the child would become inconsolable. Upon her return, the child appeared ambivalent. The child seemed to be confused, wanting to be picked up, but would become angry and fidgety. • Social Referencing: also referred to as ‘monkey see, monkey do’. A child will ‘read’ the reaction of the mother to the stranger. If the mother was nonplussed by the stranger, the child tended to react in a similar manner. If the mother was upset by something, the child would become upset. The Strange Situation determined that babies become attached by one year of age and the most influential factor to the attachment of the child is the parental reaction to the child. If the parent was responsive to the child’s needs, the child tended to become securely attached. Children whose parents were unresponsive or insensitive tended to be insecurely attached. Awareness: During late infancy, a child will begin to recognize themselves as a distinct individual. When placed in front a mirror, a young baby tends to not recognize themselves in the reflection. A child of approximately fifteen months responds and plays with their reflection. By the age of two, most children point to themselves when asked “where is (child’s name)?” Personality : Personality is a unique, but consistent pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. There are a variety of forces which can affect personality: • Genetic factor: activity level, attention span, adaptability, temperament, and a plethora of other characteristics have been observed since birth, leading to the notion that these characteristics are genetically inherited. Temperament is referred to as the consistent dispositions which reflect personal responses to people and things. Being easily distracted, comforted, or active is part of one’s temperament.
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