Developmental Psychology
Achieve Test Prep: Developmental Psychology
5. According to Erikson, what are the two stages of development encountered during infancy? a. Integrity versus Despair b. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
c. Initiative versus Guilt d. Trust versus Mistrust
6. A child pushes a toy off a table but does not start to look for it. What perceptual ability has the child not yet developed? a. Reversal b. Assimilation c. Object permanence d. Attachment
7. Noam Chomsky is regarded for his research into: a. Language acquisition b. Reflex development c. Attachment d. Nutritional deficiencies
8. When hearing a familiar voice, it is easy to imagine how the person appears. This is an example of using? a. Intermodal perception b. Accommodation c. Reversal d. Cross-modal perception
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