English Composition
English Composition Study Guide
the thesis. The final sentence of the introductory paragraph is generally the thesis statement. This will reveal to the reader the author’s stance and reasoning for that stance, which will further be developed in the writing. Body Paragraphs The purpose of each body paragraph is to further prove the thesis. Body paragraphs are used to develop the points of the writing, and provide sufficient examples and support to back up the stance taken in the thesis. Sometimes body paragraphs are used to provide examples to prove an argumentative point, while other times they are used to analyze big ideas and explain challenging concepts. A strong body paragraph begins with a topic sentence. This should relate directly to the thesis. Body paragraphs also need support. This can be done in a variety of ways, though generally textual evidence and examples are best. In order to fully develop the point of the paragraph, writers should include several examples. However, examples are not just used back to back in succession. Writers can instead use the P.I.E. method to compose a stronger paragraph. In the P.I.E. method, the “P” stands for point. This can be done with the topic sentence of the paragraph. The point should make it clear to the reader what the paragraph will be about. The “I” stands for illustration. Often times this is a quote or paraphrase from provided text. The illustration should be specific details that support the point of the paragraph. The “E” stands for explanation. The explanation is one of the most important parts of the paragraph, as it is the analysis or reasoning that helps the reader understand how the illustration proves the point. Within a body paragraph it is helpful to have more than one illustration and explanation. A writer can have the point, illustration, example, transitional sentence, second illustration, and second explanation to ensure the point is made and that enough evidence is given to make the reader see that it is a well-developed point. At the end of each body paragraph there should be a concluding remark. This summary sentence should bring all the ideas of the paragraph together in a logical way. The sentence can also help serve as a transition from one paragraph to the next. Conclusion Paragraphs The final paragraph of the writing is called the conclusion. This paragraph is used to summarize the points of the entire writing. A conclusion may also suggest future action that the reader can take. Writers should reread the thesis statement prior to writing the concluding paragraph. While the exact thesis statement does not need to be repeated, a restatement of the thesis should be included in the conclusion.
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