Humanities Study Guide

Humanities Study Guide

Frenchman is considered the co-inventor of cubism. Together, he and Picasso founded formal abstraction in pictorial works that established a new branch of modernism. Expressionism developed right alongside formal abstraction. It is considered another branch of modernism, focusing on the communication of feelings and state of mind directly and intensely. These pictorial subjects were typically conventional landscapes, portraits, and city scenes. Henri Matisse was an expressionist whose influence rivals that of Picasso. He is known for his free application of color in both figures and landscapes. He believed that color used in such bold arrangements created its own pictorial structure. Wassily Kandinsky pushed the limits of artistic expression to the point of non-objectivity. Surrealism was another form of art that emerged in this time, largely inspired by Freud's ideas of the unconscious mind. These artists, like Salvador Dali and Joan Miro, sought to release themselves from consciousness, diving into dreamlike imagery to express a parallel idea of reality. Dali called his paintings "hand-painted dream photographs." He combined minute details with bizarre images. He vividly painted landscapes that had profound influences on his psyche, often introducing ideas from his dreams or his childhood. 10.2 Modernism and Postmode n m Post World War II, there was a different form of artistic expression present. Abstract Expressionism was a style developed in New York that embraced a non-objective style of emotional directness. It encouraged painters and artists to embrace artistic freedom and radical styles. Jackson Pollock is one of the best known abstract expressionists of this time. He discarded the brush in his paintings, preferring dripping and splattering paint instead. Andy Warhol dabbled in a new modern style referred to as the avant-garde. This then led to Pop Art , which became a prominent style that borrowed frommass-produced commercial art, turning these over-reproduced images into original works. Post-modern visual art explored many trends, including the revival of the earlier styles, some being neo-expressionism and neo-romanticism. This period also saw the birth of superrealism, which grew directly out of Pop Art and faithfully reproduced photographic images in paintings. Another trend that occurred during this time was a move outside the studio to work. Some art was created to appear in nature, while other art was created to exist in the urban landscape. Artists started to consider how art interacted with the space around it. Literature The writers of the 20th Century explored new forms with intensity. Poets discarded meter and rhyme, while novelists concentrated on the inner lives of their characters. VirginiaWoolf developed the technique of interior monologue, or stream of consciousness writing. James Joyce employed

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