
Front cover1
Chapter 1: Basic Economic Concepts8
A. Basic Definitions of Economic Principles8
B. The Economy11
C. Factors of Production12
D. Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Costs15
E. Production Possibilities Curve (PPC)16
F. Comparative Advantage, Specialization, and Exchange25
G. Gains from Trade30
H. Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium32
Chapter 1: Review Questions49
Review Quiz Answers51
Chapter 2: Measurement of EconomicPerformance52
A. Introduction to Economic Performance52
B. National Income Accounts53
C. Inflation Measurement and Adjustment64
D. Unemployment77
Chapter 2: Review Questions81
Review Quiz Answers83
Chapter 3: National Income and PriceDetermination84
A. Aggregate Demand (AD)85
B. Business Cycles and Economic Fluctuations89
C. Multiplier and Crowding-Out Effects90
D. Aggregate Supply (AS)96
E. Macroeconomic Equilibrium103
F. Self-Correction of Output Gaps109
G. Long-Run Self-Adjustments in the AD-AS Model111
Chapter 3: Review Questions115
Review Quiz Answers117
Chapter 4: Financial Sector118
A. Definition of Financial Assets: Money, Stocks, and Bonds118
B. Time Value of Money (Present and Future Value)123
C. Measures of Money Supply124
D. Financial Institutions126
E. Banks and Creation of Money129
F. Money Demand132
G. Money Market135
H. Real vs. Nominal Interest Rates138
I. Loanable Funds Market140
J. Central Bank and Control of the Money Supply146
K. Tools of Central Bank Policy147
L. Limitations of Monetary Policy153
M. Quantity Theory of Money153
Chapter 4: Review Questions155
Review Quiz Answers157
Chapter 5: Inflation, Unemployment, andStabilization Policies158
A. Fiscal Policy158
B. Demand-Side Effects of Fiscal Policy159
C. Government Deficits and Debt162
D. Crowding out163
E. Automatic Stabilizers164
F. The Reserve Market Model165
G. Monetary Policy168
H. Supply-Side Effects and Policies173
I. Policy Mix176
J. Inflation and Unemployment177
K. Changes in the AD-AS and Phillips Curve Models182
L. Role of Expectations186
M. Economic Philosophies187
Chapter 5: Review Questions190
Review Quiz Answers192
Chapter 6: Economic Growth and Productivity193
A. Economic Growth and Real GDP per Capita193
B. Economic Growth vs. Economic Expansion196
C. Sources of Economic Growth197
D. Labor Productivity199
E. Research and Development and Technological Progress202
F. The Aggregate Production Function204
G. Benefits and Drawbacks of Economic Growth207
H. Growth Policy208
I. Additional Reading: The Trajectory of Productivity Since the 1950s209
Chapter 6: Review Questions211
Review Quiz Answers212
Chapter 7: Open Economy: International Trade andFinance213
A. Closed Economy vs. Open Economy213
B. Balance of Payments Accounts215
C. How and Why the BOP is Balanced221
D. Exchange Rates223
E. Demand for Foreign Exchange225
F. Supply of Foreign Exchange228
G. Exchange Rate Determination230
H. Exchange Rate Effects on the Economy232
I. Exchange Rate Policies232
Chapter 7: Review Questions235
Review Quiz Answers236
Back cover247

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