The shape of the LRAS curve is justifed as follows:
1. Pricesinthelongrunarefullyflexible ,soproducerscan fullyadjusttheirprices allowingthe economy to produce the effcient, full-employment output level . At this level of output, resourcesarefullyemployedandutilized ,sothereisnowaytoproduceanyadditionaloutput withthecurrentquantityandqualityofresources.AverticalLRAScurveissaidtobe “perfectly inelastic” , which means that a change in the pricelevel will have no effect on output. 2. Inthelongrun,thepotentialoutputaneconomycanproduceis notrelatedtothepricelevel (perfectly inelastic LRAS curve). Potential output or potential GDPorfullemploymentGDP is defned as thelevelofoutputthat aneconomycansustaininthelongrunwithoutinflation . Potential GDP is rather affected by the quantity and/or quality of resources. It is important to note that the vertical LRAS curve is a New Classical view of LRAS . Classical Macroeconomic Theory isbasedonthebeliefthat marketforces,suchassupplyanddemand,work effciently to bring an economy to its full potential, known astheNaturalRateofUnemployment (NRU) . Recall that NRU represents full employment, which does not meanzerounemployment,since frictional and structural unemployment are unavoidable as seen in Chapter 2. According to New Classicals, if there is unemployment, it is primarily due to frictional and structuralfactors,notdueto cyclical downturns in theeconomy. Inthelongrun,theeconomyisconsideredtobeself-adjusting, and government intervention is generally seenasunnecessary .Therefore,theeconomywillalways operate at full capacity in the long run. Determinants of Aggregate Supply: Shifts of the LRAS Curve In the long run, attempts to useexistingresourcesmoreintensively(e.g.,encouragingovertimework, attractingmoreworkersintothelaborforce,etc.)willonlycauseanincreaseinthecostsofproduction, and ultimatelyanincreaseinthepricelevel,butwithnochangeinoutput .Theeconomywouldstill operate at the LRAS but on a higher point where the price level is higher but output is the same.
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