● DemandShocks: Demandshocksaresuddenandunforeseenchangesinthedemandforgoods and services in an economy. These shocks can leadtosituationslikeinflationarygaps(where demand exceeds supply) or recessionary gaps (where supply exceeds demand). In this case, there is an inflationary gap (shift from AD₁ to AD₂) that moves theshort-runequilibriumfrom point A to point B. ● Long-Run Self-Adjustment: In a market economy with no government intervention, the long-run self-adjustment mechanism comes into play to correct imbalances caused by demand shocks . Specifcally, it operates to eliminate inflationary gaps where demand is excessive. ● Market Response: In the long run, markets react to an inflationary gap byincreasingwages (rememberthatinthelongrunallpricesareflexible).Thisisakeyelementoftheself-correction process.Whendemandishigh, businessesmaypayhigherwagestoattractmoreworkersto meet the increased demand for goods and services. ● Shift ofSRASCurve:Aswagesrise,productioncostsincrease ,andbusinessesbecomeless willing to supply goods and services at the existing price levels. Therefore, the increase in wagesleadstoashiftoftheSRAStotheleft ,fromSRAS₁toSRAS₂.Theincreaseinwagesand the leftward shift of the SRAS curve lead to several changes: ○ Higherwagesreducetheproftabilityofbusinesses,causing adecreaseinthequantity of goods and services supplied . ○ As production costs rise, businesses may increase prices, reducing the quantity of goods and services demanded .
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