farmermightexchange10orangesforfvepencils. Thissystemservedasanalternativetothemonetary economy we have today. However, it had limitations that ultimately ledtothecreationofmoney.The mainlimitationtobarteristheneedfora doublecoincidenceofwants :Inabartertrade,bothparties needtohavewhattheotherwants,andbothmustdesirewhattheotherhas.Incomplexsocietieswitha widevarietyofgoodsandservices,barterexchangesbecomealmostimpossibleduetothesubstantial effort required to fnd a perfect match. Consider the challenge of trading 3 red shirts and a coffee machineforachickenandaplant.Theoddsoffndingsomeonewhonotonlyhasachickenandaplant but also wants exactly 3 red shirts and a coffee machine are extremely low! Associetiesbecamemorecomplexandeconomiesgrew,peopleunderstoodtheneedforamediumof exchange that eliminates the problem of the double coincidence of wants. This medium of exchange evolved throughout history, from beads to crops, stones, animals, and even tobacco, until humans adopted today’s monetary system that relies on the use of various fnancial assets. Money is not only about coins and bills. It refers to any asset that can serve the three following functions :
1. Medium of Exchange: The primary function of money is its ability to be used to buy something else. For instance, one can use a $100 bill to buy a concert ticket. 2. Store of Value: Another function of money is transporting purchasingpowerfromonetimeperiodtoanother,allowing it to becomeamediumofexchangelater .Inotherwords,it shouldallowitsholderstosaveforlater. Forinstance,onemay decide to save the $100 in a safe tobuyaconcertticketnext year.
Peoplecanstoremoneyandaccumulatewealthinvariousforms,suchasgold,realestate,and otherassets.However,afnancialassethasanadvantageoverotherformsofmoneywhenitis more liquid . Liquidity refers to the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash without losing purchasing power . Cash and demand deposits are the most liquid form of money. Cash can be used immediately , and demand deposits , also referred to as bank deposits,referto moneykeptinabank, likecheckingaccounts.Banksareusuallyrequiredto provide access to this money immediately on demand ;therefore, they are highly liquid too. 3. Unit of account (also known as a measure of value): Money should enable comparisons between the value of different items that are expressed in money terms . For instance, a concert ticket that sells for $100 is said to be worth 10 times as much as a book that sells for $10. Types of Money The forms of money used throughout history varied across time periods and cultures; however, economists usually classify the types of money under three main categories:
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