produce,howtoproduce,andforwhomtoproducearecontrolledbythestate.Inaddition,the statehasownershipofproductiveresourcesandproperty,meaningthatthemarkethasnoreal role in the allocation of resources.
North Korea and Cuba are as close to planned economies as the theory suggests.
Itisimportanttoavoidthecommonmisconceptionthattheclassifcationofeconomiesisexactbecause bothmarketandplannedeconomiesintheirtrueformsonlyexistintheory.Instead,amixedeconomyis the typical economic system. ● Mixed Economy: In a mixed economic system, both the private sector (individuals and private frms) and the public sector (the government) have a role in allocating resources. Decisionsconsistofaninteractionbetweenindividuals,private frms,labor,andthegovernment.Thereisprivateownershipof assets as well as some public ownership. C. Factors of Production When defning economics, there is always a mention of the allocation of scarce resources to satisfy needs and unlimited wants; but what are these resources? Theresourcesavailableinaneconomyarereferredtoasthe factorsofproduction .Theyarethemeans by which an economy produces goods and services.
There are 4 main types of factors of production:
Land: Thisreferstoall naturalresources usedinproduction,suchasminerals, forests, water bodies,andagriculturalland,aswellasotherresourceslikeoil andnaturalgas.Land,asafactorofproduction,playsavitalroleinthecreation ofgoodsandservices.Itprovidesthe rawmaterials necessaryforproduction, serving as the foundation upon which economic activities are built. Natural resources derived from land are transformed into intermediate or fnished goods through various production processes.
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