fromstocksistosellthemtosomeoneelsewhentheirvalueincreases(i.e.,appreciates).Thevalueofa stock is mainly derived from the dividends they pay as well as their ability to appreciate. A bond canbeissuedby acompanyoragovernment .Unlikestocks, bondsdonotgivetheirholders ownership claims . They only represent a loan that is paid for today in exchange for moneyinthe future . They pay interest to their holders; therefore, to bondholders, bonds are an asset not a loan (liability) because they are effectively lending money to their issuers who will repay them in the future. ● The Bond’s Maturity: The length of time until a bondholder is paid a fxed amountofmoney known as the par value (i.e., until a bond matures). ● TheBond’sParValue(alsoknownasfacevalue): Insimpleterms,itisthebond'soriginalprice or the amount the issuer promises to pay back to the bondholder when thebondreachesits maturitydate.Thisvalueistypically$1,000formanybonds. So,ifindividualBbuysabondwith a par value of $1,000, the issuer will repay individual B that amount when thebondmatures, regardless of what individual B paid for it. ● TheBond’sCouponPayments: Theinterestthatthebondholderreceivesforlendingmoneyto the issuer. When a person buys a bond, the issuer agrees to pay the buyer periodic interest payments(thecoupon)forasetnumberofyearsuntilthebondmatures.Thisinterestpayment isafxedpercentageofthebond'sparvalue. Forexample,ifindividualChasa$1,000bondwith a 5% coupon rate, individual C will receive $50 in interest each year (5% of $1,000). These regular interest payments are individual C’s reward forholdingthebond,andtheyaretypically paid semi-annually or annually. Bonds have three key features:
Example of how bonds work: GreaTechInc.isatechnologycompanylookingtoexpanditsoperationstoproduceanewgroundbreaking gadget. Instead of seeking a bank loan, they opttoissue300bondswithafacevalueof$1,500each. These bonds offer an annual coupon payment of 4% and mature in 4 years.
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