● M1 is a subset of M2, meaning that all components of M1 are also part of M2.
These measures are important for understanding the overall liquidity and fnancial conditions in an economy,andtheyarecloselymonitoredbycentralbanksandpolicymakers.Moneysupplyaffectsthe purchasing power of money; therefore, the government has to keep a close eye on inflation and hyperinflation to avoid making money no longer acceptable. As we will see later in this chapter, the government controls an economy's money supply through monetary policies implemented by the Fed.Toachievethis,theyutilizetoolsthataffectthe monetary base , often referred to as M0, MB, or high-powered money . The monetary base comprisesthetotal However,onlyaportionofthemonetarybaseisincludedinthemoneysupply,specifcallythecurrency in circulation. D. Financial Institutions The fnancialsector isoftenconsideredthebackboneofanation'seconomicinfrastructure,servingas theintermediarybetweenthosewhohaveexcessfunds(saversandinvestors)andthosewhoneed capital(borrowersandbusinesses) .Itisacrucialcomponentofanymoderneconomy,playingapivotal roleinfacilitatingeconomicactivitiesandsupportinggrowth.Itencompassesawiderangeoffrmsand institutions that provide various fnancial services to both commercial and retail customers. These services include banking, lending, investment, insurance, and realestate,amongothers.Arobustand well-regulated fnancial sector is typically seen as a sign of economic stability and vitality. Central Banks A central bank is an institution that manages a country’smoney supply and monetary policy . The Federal Reserve System , often referred to simplyas theFed ,isthecentralbankingsystemofthe United States and one of the most influential fnancial institutions in the world. amount of currency in circulation and bank reserves. M0 or MB = cash and coins in circulation + bank reserves
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