12 Federal Reserve Districts: The United States is divided into 12 districts, each with its Federal Reserve Bank. These banks are located in major cities across the country. BoardofGovernors: ThecentralauthorityoftheFederalReserveSystemistheBoardofGovernors.It consists of seven members, including the Chair and Vice Chair. These membersareappointedbythe President of the United States and confrmed by the Senate. Federal Open MarketCommittee(FOMC): TheFOMCisakeydecision-makingbodywithintheFed.It consists of 12 individuals, including the members of the Board of Governors and a rotating group of regionalFederalReserveBankPresidents.TheFOMCmeetsregularlytodirectopenmarketoperations (OMOs).Openmarketoperationsinvolvethebuyingorsellingofgovernmentsecurities,typicallybonds. These transactions are used to influence the money supply and interest rates in the economy. Commercial Banks Commercialbanks ,alsoknownasbanks,highstreetbanks,retailbanks,anddepositoryinstitutions,are privately-ownedfnancialinstitutionsthatacceptdepositsandmakeloans.Theycanoperatenationally or internationally and have the following functions: HoldCustomers’Deposits: Commercialbanks’customersconsistof individualsandbusinesses .They provide them with deposit accounts such as demand deposits (current accounts) and savings accounts.
Facilitate Money Transactions: Commercial banks provide theircustomerswithseveralfnancialservicesthatfacilitate their payments such as debit and credit cards. Act as aFinancialAgentfortheirCustomers: Commercial banksallowcustomerstowritechecksandcollectfundsthat arepayabletothemfromotherbanksorfnancialinstitutions (such as a check issued by another bank). Provide Loans: Commercial banks lend out money to individuals and businesses in return for interest.
In general, commercial banks make profts by charging an interest on loans that is higher than the interest they pay for savings accounts and other costs.
Study Tip Thereareseveralothertypesoffnancialinstitutions,suchasinvestmentbanksandthriftinstitutions. Investment banks specialize in capital market activities, including underwriting securities and advising on mergers and acquisitions. Thrift institutions , on the other hand, are depository institutionsthatarerelativelysmallerthancommercialbanksastheycatertothelocalcommunityof the area in which they operate.
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