K. Tools of Central Bank Policy Central banks use monetary policy tools to influence money supply and interest rates to achieve macroeconomic objectives. The tools of monetary policy include the following:
1. Open market operations (OMOs)
2. Thediscountrateandotheradministeredinterestrates(e.g.,interestonreservesandthepolicy rate)
3. The required reserve ratio (rr)
However,thetoolsusedandthewayinwhichtheyareimplementeddifferbetweeneconomiesthathave limited reserves and economies that have ample reserves in their banking system. Before we explain each of these tools, let’s understand the difference between limited and ample reserves banking systems. Limited vs. Ample Reserves Banking Systems Before the 2008 fnancialcrisisthatoriginatedintheU.S., commercialbanksheldveryfewreserves withthecentralbankandinsteadlentthemoneytocustomersorotherbanks.Thissystemisreferredto as a banking system with limited reserves , and it has a signifcant impact on interest rates when there is a small change in the money supply . After 2008, commercial banks began holding signifcantly larger (ample) reserves withthecentral bank due to stricter regulations and the introduction of interest payments on those reserves. This is knownas abankingsystemwithamplereserves inwhichcommercialbanks deposittheirexcessfunds withtheFedandearnaguaranteedinterest ,knownasthe InterestonReserves(IOR) .Inthissystem, a change in money supply has no signifcant impact on the interest rate.
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