ThisPPCshownaboverepresentstheproductionchoicesofaneconomythatonlyproducestwogoods: carsonthex-axis(horizontallineatthebottom)andlaptopsonthey-axis(verticallineontheleftside). Assumingthatallavailableresourcesareusedeffciently,thiseconomycanproduce anycombination of laptopsandcars onthePPCcurve suchaspointA(200laptopsand50cars),pointB(180laptopsand 150 cars), and so on. Thecurveitselfshowcasesthevariouschoicesaneconomycanmakewhenallocatingitsresourcesand applying technology to produce these two products. The curve's shape and position reveal how effciently resources are utilized (to be discussed soon).
Study Tip AtypicalPPCusuallyfeaturesconsumergoodsandcapitalgoodsonitsaxes.A consumergood isone produced for immediate consumption and the satisfaction of wants (e.g., toys, books), whereas a capitalgood isonethatcontributestotheproductionofothergoodsorservices(e.g.,equipmentused infactories,coffeemachinesinshops,trains).Ineconomics,thecreationofcapital(i.e.,thepurchase or putting in place of equipment, buildings, roads, etc.), is referred to as investment .
Checkpoint Quiz 2:
Based on the previous PPC, which combination of goods does this economy produce at point C?
(Checkpoint answers are located at the end of the chapter under the review question answers.)
When constructing or analyzing a PPC, always remember the following key assumptions: ➔ Focus on Two Goods: The PPC examines the production possibilities of an economy by considering only two goods at a time.
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