B. Economic Growth vs. Economic Expansion NotallincreasesinrealGDPareconsideredeconomicgrowth.Temporaryfluctuationsinoutputor the useofunderutilizedresourcescanresultineconomicexpansionbutnoteconomicgrowth. For instance, when an economy produces beyond potential output (where ADandSRASintersectbeyond LRAS), there might be an increase in real GDP. However, this is not economic growth, as it is not sustainable in the long run. Similarly,iftheeconomyisrecoveringfromarecessionafteroperatingbelowpotentialoutput(whereAD andSRASintersectbelowLRAS),theincreaseinrealGDPisalsonotconsideredeconomicgrowth;itis temporary. When in doubt about whetheranincreaseinrealGDPsignifeseconomicexpansionorgrowth,always remember that economic growth entails an increasein full employment output over time.
Graphically, economic growth can be illustrated using the PPC and the AD-AS model. Economic Growth on the PPC
Economic growth is illustrated by an outward shift of the PPC to reach production combinations that were previously unattainable given theavailable resources and technology. This shows an increase in the economy’s capacity to produce.
It is crucial to understand that moving from a point inside thePPCtoapointonitsignifeseconomic expansion, not economicgrowth.Thisisbecausetheeconomyinitiallyhadunderutilizedresources,and utilizing them enables a shift to the full employment level on the PPC.
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