Any money spent on resources to discover new knowledge, improve something, or develop a new product is an investment in R&D. For example, pharmaceutical companies spend money on producingandtestinganewdrug.Thisisan investment in R&D aimed towards new discoveries that would increase output. Higher investment in R&D paves the way for technological innovations that boost productivity and stimulate economic growth. F. The Aggregate Production Function Economists use the aggregate production function to calculate the amount of output that can be produced using a given set ofinputs,specifcallylaborandcapital,whiletakingintoconsiderationthe economy’sleveloftechnology.Inotherwords,theymeasuretheoutput-to-inputratiowhichisbasically a measure of productivity. ● Yrepresents the aggregate output or real GDP. ● A represents the technology factor in an economy referred to as“totalfactorproductivity.”It reflectsthe overalleffciencyorqualityoftheproductionprocess .Astheeducation,training, andhealthconditionsoflaborincrease,frmswillbeabletoconvertcapitalandlaborinputsinto output more effciently indicating an increase inA. ● Krepresentsthe monetaryvalue ofallnon-humanandphysicalcapitalinaneconomy,suchas buildings,machinery,tools,andsoon.Thisincreaseswithanincreaseinsavingsandinvestment in capital stock. ● Lrepresents the labor force or the human capital. ○ F(K, L)is a function of the combination of laborand capital inputs. Aneconomy’sleveloftechnology“A”isdiffculttomeasure.Intheaggregateproductionfunction,“A”is usually used as an adjustment to explain cases where labor and capital do not justify output. For example, when the “K” and “L” render a higher output than expected, “A” must be high. Alternatively, When “K” and “L” render a lower output than expected, “A” must be low. The aggregate production function is represented as follows: Y = A × F(K, L) Whereby:
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