Policymakers and businesses increasingly recognize the importance of sustainable practices that consider the fnite nature of natural resources and the need to protect the environment. The concept of a "circular economy" has gained traction, emphasizing resource recycling, waste reduction, and sustainable production processes. It aims to minimize waste and maximizetheuseof resources, contributing to long-term economic growth without excessive resource depletion. H. Growth Policy Governmentsadoptvariouspoliciestopromoteeconomicgrowth.Themostcommonlyusedeconomic policiesare supply-sidefscalpolicies thatfocusonremovinganyblockersofanincreaseinshort-or long-runaggregatesupply,promotingincentivestoinvestandsave,increasingproductivityandoutput, and improving infrastructure and technology. Supply-side fscal policies rely on the following measures to increase aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and potential output in order to achieve economic growth: 1. TaxReductionstoCreateIncentives: Areductionincorporatetaxes(taxespaidontheproftmadeby businesses)reducesfrms’productioncostsandencouragesreinvestmentofproftsintobusinesses.A reduction in income tax, on the other hand, enables households to save more. Increased savings providemorefundsforinvestmentandborrowinginaneconomy,therebystimulatingaggregatesupply and, consequently, economic growth. 2. IncreasedLaborForceParticipation: Governmentsseektoenhancethequantityandqualityoflabor by creating incentives that encourage people to join the workforce. This can be achieved through initiatives such as improving human capital through investments in education, training, and healthcare.
3. Effcient Infrastructure: Whenthegovernmentworkson developing and improving the country’s infrastructure, government spending and aggregate demand increase in the short run. Advanced and effcient infrastructure encourages new frms to join the market, and existing frms to increase output. This is because infrastructure facilitates the flow of inputs and fnished products. Consequently, aggregate supply and potential output increase in the long run, resulting in higher economic growth.
4. Investments in R&D and Technology: As previously explained, R&Dandtechnologicaladvancesare the driving force behind productivity whichisapillarofeconomicgrowth.Governmentscaninvestor subsidizeinvestmentsinR&Dandtechnology.Asaresult,productivityandoutputincreaseevenifthe quantity of labor and capital do not.
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