Chapter7: OpenEconomy:InternationalTradeand Finance Overview
Understanding the interconnected global landscape of macroeconomics is crucial as countries become increasingly interdependent due to globalization and internationaltrade.Thischapterwillexplore thebroadereconomicpictureandtheforces thatshapetheopeneconomy,includingthe dynamics of international tradeandfnance and the intricacies of balance of payments and exchange rate. Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:
● Distinguish closed from open economies. ● Identify, calculate, and interpret balance of payments accounts. ● Defne and analyze changes in the exchange rate. ● Understand how foreign exchange markets operate. ● Identify and analyze the effects of exchange rate policies. A. Closed Economy vs. Open Economy
A closedeconomy ,inthecontextofmacroeconomics,isaneconomicmodelthatassumesanationdoes notengageininternationaltrade. Inaclosedeconomy,therearenoimportsorexports ofgoodsand services with other countries. Instead,alleconomicactivity,production,consumption,andinvestment take place within the boundaries of the nation. This means that themeasurementofGDPinaclosed economydoesnotincludeimportsandexports:GDP=C+I+G.Aclosedeconomyisonerepresented by the simple circular flow of income in Chapter 2 Section B: The Simple Circular Flow Diagram. ● Self-Suffciency: Inaclosedeconomy,thenationisconsideredtobeself-suffcient.Thismeans thatitproducesallthegoodsandservicesitneedsdomesticallywithoutrelyingonimportsfrom other countries. Likewise, it does not export its products to international markets. ● Effciency Considerations: While the closed economy model simplifes economic analysis, it alsohighlightscertainineffciencies.Oneofthemaindrawbacksisthataclosedeconomymay lack access to essential raw materials or resources that arenotavailabledomestically.These resourcesoftenplayavitalroleasinputsintheproductionoffnalgoodsandservices.Without
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