Leakages: Money goingoutofthecircularflow of income in the form of savings, taxes, and imports. Legal tender: Money that the government has declared to be acceptable in the settlementof debts. Level of unemployment: The total number of people who are unemployed in a country. Liability: Anything of value that is owed to someone. Liquidity: Theeasewithwhichanassetcanbe transformedintocashwithoutlosingpurchasing power. Liquiditytrap: Asituationwhereanincreasein the money supply cannot further reduce interest rates to stimulate economic activity. Loanablefundsmarket: Ahypotheticalmarket that shows how funds/loans from savers are allocated to borrowers for investment purposes. Loanable funds market graph: A graph showing the demand and supply curves of loanablefundsandhowequilibriumisachieved at their intersection. Long-run aggregate supply (LRAS): The total outputofaneconomysuppliedwhentheprices of factors of production have adjusted to economicchanges,suchasincreasedaggregate demand. Long-run aggregate supply curve (LRAS curve): A vertical line showingtherelationship between the price level and the total supply when all prices are fully flexible. Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium: The point of intersection between the aggregate demand, the short-run aggregate supply, and thelong-runaggregatesupplycurves,indicating
that the economy is producing at its full potential. Long-run Phillips curve (LRPC): A line that shows the absence of a trade-off between inflation and unemployment in the long run at the natural rate of unemployment. Long-run self adjustment mechanism: The Classical belief that the economy tends to returntofullemploymentovertimewithoutthe need for government intervention. Macroeconomics: A branch of economics that studiestheeconomyasawholeandfocuseson aggregates,suchasnationalincomeandoverall price levels, instead of individual variables. Marginal Propensity to Consumer (MPC): The proportion of extra income that is spent on consumption. Marginal Propensity to Save (MPS): The proportion of extra income that is saved. Mediumofexchange: Theabilityofanassetto buy something else. Microeconomics: A branch of economics that studies the behavior of individual households, frms, and industries. Monetary base: The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves held in vaults, referred to as M0. Monetary policy: An economic policy implemented by the central bank to influence macroeconomic aggregates such as output, inflation,andunemploymentthroughtheuseof money supply. Money: Any asset that serves the functions of mediumofexchange,storeofvalue,andunitof account.
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