The Federal Reserve System/the Fed: The central bank of the United States of America. The Fisher effect: The notion thatanincrease in expected inflation increases the nominal interest rate, leaving theexpectedrealinterest rate unchanged. Trade/exchange: The exchange of goods and services between individuals, frms, and countries. Trade defcit: When thetotalimportsofgoods and services exceed the totalexportsofgoods and services (net exports are negative). Tradesurplus: Whenthetotalexportsofgoods and services exceed thetotalimportsofgoods and services (net exports are positive). Trade-off: The process of choosing between two or more alternatives. Trading possibility curve: A diagram used to show the effects of a country specializing and trading with other countries. Transfer payments: Payments made by the government to certain members of a society who are in need of assistance, without an exchange of goods or services in return. Trough: Thelowestpointonthebusinesscycle where real GDP and employment are at their lowest levels. T-account: A type of fnancial record that recordsassetsononesideandliabilitiesonthe other as part of double-entry bookkeeping. Unanticipated inflation: Unexpected or unpredicted inflation. Unemployed: Anyoneaged16orolder,ableto work, but cannot fnd a job.
Unemployment rate: The number of unemployedpeopleasapercentageofthelabor force. Unitofaccount: Theabilityofanassettoserve as ameasureofvaluetocomparethepricesof different items. Velocity of money: The average number of times money changes hands.
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