In the previous PPC for example, a technological advancement that allowed producers to assemble yachtenginesmorequicklyleadstoanincreaseintheproductionofyachts.Airplaneproductionisnot affected; therefore, the PPC pivots but does not shift entirely. There are situations where the PPC shifts in its entirety, eithertotherightortotheleftofitsoriginal position. This indicates thattheeconomy’s productivecapacityandeconomicgrowth havechanged. Productive capacity refers to the maximum output that can be produced when resources are fully utilized, and economic growth signifes an increase in the total output of an economy.
F. Comparative Advantage, Specialization, and Exchange
In his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations , Adam Smith introduced the concept of specialization that describeshowindividualsspecializeintaskstheymaster. Specializationappliesnotonlytoindividuals,butcanalso be achieved by frmsorbyawholeeconomythattrades and exchanges goods and services withothercountries. Have you ever wondered why your country exports certain goodsandnotothers?Forexample,whyisSpain the top exporter of olive oil while Brazil is the top exporter of coffee beans?Comparativeadvantageisone of the main concepts used to answer these questions.
Comparative advantage introduces the idea that even if onecountryisbetteratproducingeverything,there'sstill an advantage in specializing inwhatit’srelativelybetter
at. By focusing on strengths andtradingwithotherswhohavedifferentcomparativeadvantages,both parties can beneft from increased effciency and a wider variety of goods and services. In essence, comparative advantage prompts us to consider the opportunity costs involved in differentproduction
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