Study Tip A country may have absolute advantage in the production of both goods, but it can only have comparative advantage in the production of one good. Moreover, comparative advantage demonstratesmutualbeneftsandreciprocity;therefore,specializationandtradedecisionsarebased on comparative rather than absolute advantage. G. Gains from Trade Gains from trade are the positive outcomes that arise when countries engage in international trade based on their comparative advantage. ● Basis for Trade: Comparative advantage is at the heart of trade . Even if one party has an absolute advantage (being more effcient in producing both goods), trade can still be advantageous due to differing comparative advantages . ● Mutual Beneft: Through trade, both parties can bebetteroff ,evenifoneismoreeffcientin producingbothgoods.Whentheyspecializeinwhattheyhaveacomparativeadvantagein,they cantradethesurplusfortheothergood.Thisresultsinamorediverserangeofgoodsavailable to both parties and, ideally, an improvement in their overall well-being.
In essence, the combination of comparative advantage, specialization, and trade leads to effcient resource allocation,increasedproductivity,andthemutualbeneftof partiesinvolved.It'safundamentalprinciplethatunderpins the functioning of the global economy. By trading the goods they produce effciently with other nations , economiescanaccessawidervarietyofproducts that theymightnotbeasadeptatproducing.Thisprocess enhances the overall welfare of both trading partners, as
they can enjoy a broader range of goods and services than they could produce on their own. This interconnectedness and mutual beneft form the basis of globalization, as it fosters economic collaboration and opens up new avenues for growth. Quantifying the Gains from Trade A trading possibilitycurve isadiagramthatshowshowaneconomycanbeneftfromspecializingand trading based on comparative advantage. Consider the following example in which a country is abletoproduceamaximumof50trainsor150 boats.Foreverytrainitproduces,itgivesuptheproductionof2boats.Engagingininternationaltrade may enable this country to specialize in train production and import three boats for every train it exports.
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