Demand curve:
We can deduce from the demand schedule and/or curve, that when the price is $80 per tablet, the quantitydemandedis700units;atapriceof$100,thequantitydemandeddropsto600units,andso on. The Law of Demand and the Slope of the Demand Curve Animportantprincipleillustratedbythedemandcurveisthe LawofDemand .Thislawimpliesthat,in general, asthepriceofaproductincreases,thequantitydemandedtendstodecrease .Thisinverse or indirect relationship between price and quantity demanded is a key factor in understanding how consumerbehaviorimpactsthemarket.Thegraphhelpsusvisualizehowchangesinpriceinfluencethe willingness of consumers to buy a particular product or service. For example, based on the previous demand curve of tablets, we can deduce that consumers are more willing and able to buy tabletsat lower prices. The demand curve, as illustrated in the previous example, slopes downward from left to right. This means that as you move from left to right along the curve, the price decreases.Adownward-sloping curve in economics indicates that there is an inverse/negative/indirect relationship between the two variables plotted on the axes, meaning that when one increases, the other decreases, and vice versa. Movements Along vs. Shifts of the Demand Curve When analyzing demand, it is crucial to differentiate between theeffectsofachangeinpriceandthe effects of a change in other demand determinants on the demand curve.
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