● NumberofProducersintheMarket: Asmoreproducersenterthemarketorindustry(e.g.,new tech start-ups areestablished),supplyincreases,shiftingthemarketsupplycurvetotheright, and vice versa.
● Technology: Technological advancements allow producerstoturninputintooutputmorequickly and effciently. This reduces production costs which encourages producers to increase supply. ● Government Policy: Governments influence producersandtheirsupplyinmanyways.Anew taxonacertainproduct,forexample,reducesits supply. Subsidies, on the other hand, represent direct payments made by governments to producers of certain goods and services. These payments encourage producers to supplymore, shifting their supply curve to the right.
Note that other factors in agricultural markets, such as natural disasters that affect crops, can also influence supply. Individual Supply, Market Supply, and Aggregate Supply The individual supply curve represents therelationshipbetweenthepriceandquantitysuppliedofa single producerderivedfromanindividualsupplyschedule.The marketsupplycurve (microeconomics) isderivedbyaddingallindividualsupplycurvesof allproducersinamarketorindustry (e.g.,vehicle industry).The totalproductionofgoodsandservicesinaneconomy isreferredtoasaggregatesupply used to plot the aggregate supply curve (macroeconomics). Market Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Sofar,wehaveidentifedthefactorsthataffecttheamountthathouseholdsorconsumersdemandand the amount that frms supplyinproductmarkets.Allthroughouttheseparts,wehaveemphasizedthe role of price as a determinant of both quantity demanded and supplied. Now we will examine how supply and demand in the market interact together to determine the fnal market price. Whenconsumersandsuppliersarebothsatisfedwiththecurrentmarketsituation,themarketissaidto be in equilibrium. In economics, equilibrium is achieved when the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded . At equilibrium, there is no tendencyfor price to change, ceteris paribus. Graphical Representation of Market Equilibrium Usingdemandandsupplyschedules,equilibriumisdeterminedatapricewherequantitydemandedis equal to quantity supplied.
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