4. Now, apply the CPI formula:
For 2021, CPI = 100 since it is the base year.
For 2022:
× 100 = 22 00 22 21 11 54 19
× 100 ≈ 101.3
5. You can now calculate the inflation rate: ₂₀₂₂− ₂₀₂₁ ₂₀₂₁ 101.3−100 100 Note that the Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts monthly surveys to determine the weight of each commodity,reflectingitsimportancetoconsumers.Whenprovidedwiththeseweights,thesamesteps apply;however,youwillneedtocalculatetheweightedaveragepricesbymultiplyingthepricebyboth the weight and quantity. Notable: ● The CPI considers a wide range of consumers, including professionals, self-employed individuals, the unemployed, retirees, and wage earners, to reflect the spending patterns of different segments of society. ● It is used to adjust various economic indicators, such aswages,pensions,andsocialsecurity benefts, to keep up with changes in the cost of living. ● TheCPIisoftenconsideredakeymeasureofinflationandiscloselymonitoredbypolicymakers to guide decisions related to monetary policy and interest rates. Importance of CPI Inflation Indicator: The CPI is a widely recognized and trusted indicator of inflation. Policymakers, businesses,investors,andindividualsuseittomonitorchangesinthecostofliving.Ithelpsthemmake informed decisions about everything from wage adjustments and investment strategies to budget planning. Inflation Targeting: Central banks,suchastheFederalReserveintheUnitedStates,usetheCPIasa reference point for their monetary policies (will be discussedindetailinlaterchapters).Manycentral bankshavespecifcinflationtargets,andtheCPIhelpsthemassesswhethertheyneedtoadjustinterest rates to achieve their targets. Cost-of-Living Adjustments: Some government programs and labor contracts use the CPI to make cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). For example, Social Security benefts in the United States are adjusted annually based on changes in the CPI. Inflation rate = × 100= × 100 = 1.3%
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