D. Unemployment Definition and Measurement Unemploymentservesasacriticalindicatorofeconomicperformance .Itismonitoredbyeconomists, policymakers, and individuals alike to gauge the overall health and stability of an economy. Unemploymentoccurswhenpeoplewhoare willingandabletoworkcannotfndajob. Thisdoesnot mean that all individuals who are not working are unemployed.Forexample,someadultsareretired, while children are too young to work. In theU.S.,theBureauofLaborStatisticsgathersdatafromthousandsofhouseholdstomeasurethe unemployment rate. The surveyed households are then classifed into three groups: employed, unemployed, and out of the labor force. People areconsidered employed whenthey holdajobthatyieldsanearning .Thisincludespart-time and full-time work.
People who are not employed fall into two categories: unemployed or not in the labor force. Tobeconsidered unemployed ,apersonhastobe 16years or older , able to work , but cannot fnd a job . Peoplenotlookingforajobbecausetheydonotwantone or have given up lookingareclassifedas notinthelabor force .Theseincludefull-timestudents,retirees,peoplein institutions, stay-at-home people caring for children, and discouraged workers (those who gave up looking for work).
The levelofunemployment representsthe totalnumberofpeoplewhoareunemployed ,whereasthe unemployment rate refers to the number of unemployedpeople as a percentage of the labor force .
Let’s dissect the calculation of the unemployment rate:
● The labor force represents the number of people employedplus the number of the unemployed. Labor force = employed + unemployed ● The total or eligible population of those who are 16 years or older is equaltothenumberof people in the labor force plus the number not in the labor force.
Eligible population = labor force + not in labor force
With these numbers, we can calculate two important ratios:
1. The unemployment rate , which is the ratio of the number of people unemployed to the total number of people in the labor force:
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