Microbiology Study Guide
Cauterization of wounds is also possible by silver nitrate. Copper is another metal that is used to inhibit the growth of algae in swimming pools, water tanks, reservoirs, and fish tanks, and is used in the form of copper sulfate. Moreover, the metal zinc is used as zinc chloride in mouthwashes and zinc oxide to prevent fungus from paints. Soaps and detergents cleanse surfaces by reducing the microbial activity from the surface. An oily film is emulsified on the surface and washes away the debris, oils, and microorganisms from the surface of the body by solubilizing the cell membranes of the organisms. Aldehydes help deactivate proteins of the microbes by performing the action of cross linking the functional groups in proteins. Two major aldehydes used are formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde. For instance, formaldehyde gas is used as Formalin, which is used for embalming. Peroxides include hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide, which aid in the oxidation of proteins, membrane lipids, and DNA. Three percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used to debride wounds, scrapes, and abrasions. Benzoyl peroxide is used in teeth whitening and to treat acne. 3.2 Chemotherapeutic Agents and Antibiotics Chemotherapeutic Agents Chemotherapeutic agents interfere with the functioning of DNA molecules in order to achieve microbial control. These agents are divided into cell cycle specific agents and cell cycle non-specific agents based on the chemical action at the cellular level. The former agents are effective at a specific phase of the cell cycle, while the latter are effective at all phases of the cell cycle. Chemotherapeutic agents are also classified as alkylation agents, antimetabolites, anthracyclines, antitumor antibiotics, monoclonal antibodies, and platinum and plant alkaloids. Antiviral Agents Antiviral drugs are a class of medication used specifically for treating viral infections. Like antibiotics for bacteria, specific antivirals are used for specific viruses. The antiviral agents stop the development of the virus and do not destroy pathogens. Antivirals do not only provide protection against viruses, but even include a larger range of anti- microbe drugs like antibiotic, anti-parasitic, and antifungal drugs. These are highly useful against infections, as they are harmless to the host. Antivirals are even found in natural herbs like eucalyptus oil and its constituents.
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