Microbiology Study Guide
6.4 Chapter Six Practice Exam 1. Which of the following foods would be most harmful to lactose-intolerant people? a. Milk 2. The study of the composition and physiology of microbial communities in the environment is known as what? a. Environmental microbiology b. Ecosystem c. Food microbiology d. Industrial microbiology 3. In which process is nitrogen gas from the atmosphere used to form ammonia by the chemical process of reduction? a. Denitrification 4. Which of the following microorganisms are responsible for the preparation of buttermilk? a. Streptococcus b. Leuconostoc c. Lactobacillus d. All of the above 5. Which type of cheese is the product of the growth of the fungus Penicillium Camemberti ? a. Swiss cheese b. Soft cheese c. Camembert cheese d. Bleu cheese Cheese b. Yogurt c. Sour cream d. Ammonification b. Nitrogen fixation c. Nitrification d.
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