Microbiology Study Guide
4.5 Chapter Four Practice Exam 1. Which of the following is an example of a pandemic disease? a. Cholera that spreads worldwide b. Temporary emergence of diphtheria in the former Soviet Union c. Chickenpox that spreads through a family with five children d. Contracting Shigella on an international cruise ship 2. All of the following contribute to the non-specific defenses except __________________. a. Skin and mucous membranes b. Inflammation c. Antibody production d. Interferon and complement 3. Histamine is released by _________________. a. Eosinophils b. Macrophages c. Mast cells d. Lymphocytes 4. Which term describes the scientific meaning of disease? a. Etiology b. Pathology c. Pathogenesis d. Commensalism 5. Which phase of disease describes the time elapsed between exposure to a pathogenic organism, and when symptoms and signs are first apparent? a. Latency period b.
Prodrome period c. Incubation period d.
Convalescence period
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