Microbiology Study Guide
are more severe among males than females. Major symptoms include pain while urinating and a white discharge from the urethra. In extreme cases, the bacterium affects the fallopian tube in females by blocking it, causing scar tissue; this leads to infertility. Moreover, it can cause inflammation of the pelvic organs, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease. Among males, the infection has the ability to block the epididymis and vas deferens, leading to infertility. The infection can also be transmitted to newborn babies and has the ability to cause gonococcal ophthalmia, a fatal infection of the eyes. However, the newborn can be treated with silver nitrate and/or erythromycin after birth to prevent the infection. Syphilis Syphilis is caused by the species Treponema pallidum . The infection is generally transmitted through sexual contact and the disease takes different forms, developing in three stages. In the first stage, symptoms include the formation of chancre at the site of infection, which is a hard, dry, and crusty sore. Diagnosis of the disease is done by observing the presence of spirochetes. It is possible to treat the infection at this stage by using penicillin. The second stage of the disease occurs after the lapse of a few weeks, once the chancre has disappeared. Major symptoms at this stage include an influenza-like syndrome, with rashes on the skin, spirochete-laden lesions, fever, and hair loss. The third and final stage occurs among a small percentage of patients and causes an immunological reaction. Symptoms at this stage include gummas in the nervous and cardiovascular system. Gummas are gummy and rubbery masses formed by damaged tissues. In extreme cases, if a patient suffers from paralysis, aneurysms and deficiency in mental capabilities may result. Treatment of syphilis at this tertiary stage is generally not successful. Among pregnant women, the spirochetes may pass to the fetus from the mother and can cause congenital syphilis. It can be detected through diagnostic tests, and antibodies are generally successful in curing this disease. Chlamydia Similar to gonorrhea, chlamydia is caused by a species of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis . The symptoms of this disease include pain while urinating, increase in the urge to urinate, and liquid discharge. In extreme cases, organisms have the ability to cause pelvic inflammation and sterility. When transmitted to the fetus from mothers, it can cause chlamydial ophthalmia in the eyes of the new born. Possible treatment for chlamydia is with a drug therapy of tetracycline. Viral Diseases Genital Herpes Genital herpes is caused by the DNA icosahedral virion , which is the herpes simplex virus. Type I genital herpes is responsible for causing cold sores on the mouth, while type II causes genital herpes.
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