Microbiology Study Guide
smallpox is pus-filled lesions on the surface of the body; death is even possible. It was one of the most fatal diseases and a leading cause of death in the 1700s, but in the year 1798, Edward Jenner propounded the treatment against smallpox by inventing the cowpox vaccines. Since 1977, the disease has been fully eradicated from Earth. Rabies Rabies is caused by the RNA virus belonging to the species of Rhabdoviridae . Rabies is known to have a very high mortality rate. The disease is generally transmitted from warm-blooded animals. The virus impacts the brain of the person, leads to neurological distress, and causes paralysis in the muscles. When the muscles become paralyzed, it can lead to fear of water, known as hydrophobia. The treatment for rabies is possible through an immunization with inactivated viruses. Warts The DNA containing virus from the species papilloma viruses is the cause of warts. A wide range of warts exists and may infect the individual; some are likely to precede malignancies. For instance, genital warts are highly common, and in extreme cases, they have the ability to cause cervical cancer. Other kinds, including dermal warts, affect the epithelial cells of the tissues in the skin area. Fungal and Parasitic Disease s Athlete’s Foot and Ringworm These diseases are caused by the fungi belonging to the species of Trichophyton, Microsporum , and Epidermophyton. They are transmitted by fragments of fungal hypae. Symptoms of the disease include lesions filled with liquid erupting over the skin surface. The scientific name of athlete’s foot is tinea pedis . Ringworms may appear at various body parts and have different names, respectively. For instance, ringworm occurring all over the body is called tinea corporis, ringworm on the groin is called tinea cruris, and ringworm on the scalp is known as tinea capitis. These infections are curable and can be controlled using various ointments along with the drug griseofulvin. Candidiasis (Yeast Disease) Candidiasis is also known as yeast disease and is caused by an infection from the fungus belonging to the species Candida albicans . This fungus resides in different body tracts of a human being, but becomes activated to cause infections among compromised people. Symptoms of the disease include internal discomfort in the vaginal tract, due to the destruction of the lactobacilli bacteria, and an itching sensation called pruritis, which is followed by discharge. The infection can occur in other body parts. Sometimes a candidiasis infection causes patches of inflammation on the tongue and mucous membrane of the mouth. This is known as thrush. Further, when hands are immersed in water for a long time, it causes the candidiasis called onchyosis. Treatment of candidiasis is possible with the drugs miconazole, ketoconazole, and itraconazole.
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