Microbiology Study Guide
disease is capable of causing death. Yellow fever can be prevented through available vaccines containing the antivirus. Viral Encephalitis Viral encephalitis is caused by a virus that leads to the inflammation of the brain. Symptoms of the disease are headache, fever, and perplexity with the senses and bodily movements. Viral encephalitis can be treated using intravenous injections of the antivirus, carbohydrate solutions, and corticosteroids drugs to ease the swelling in the brain. Other medications are anticonvulsants. Hepatitis B The DNA virus Hepadnaviridae is the major contributor of Hepatitis B, also termed serum hepatitis. The disease is transmitted through blood and semen. Major symptoms of the disease include an infection in the liver and liver failure. In extreme cases hepatocarcinoma, a form of liver cancer, may develop over time. Treatment of hepatitis B is possible by injecting yeast prepared hepatitis B vaccines and gamma globulin injections. Other Forms of Hepatitis Apart from hepatitis A and B, hepatitis C, D, and E also exist. RNA virus is the major cause of hepatitis C; it spreads through blood and semen. Hepatitis D is also caused by the RNA virus known as the delta virus. This virus is associated with the delta antigen and accompanies infections of hepatitis B. Hepatitis E is popularly known as non-A and non-B types of hepatitis. Cases of this type of hepatitis are mostly found in Asian and African continents. Infectious Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr virus, a type of herpes virus, causes infectious mononucleosis. Characteristics of this virus constitute the presence of an envelope and DNA; it generally resides hidden within the B- lymphocytes. This virus is spread through saliva and the probability of recurrence is high. The patient suffering from this disease exhibits symptoms of soreness in throat, enlargement of the spleen, and mild temperature. The B-lymphocytes get infected and increase in huge number, popularly known as elevation of Downey cells. Treatment of infectious mononucleosis is extensive rest. There is a close relationship between the Epstein-Barr virus and Burkitt’s lymphoma , which is a form of tumor occurring in the jaw tissues. Due to the same etiologic agent, the condition is associated with mononucleosis and is mostly found in regions of Africa. Dengue Fevers Also caused by the RNA virus, the carrier of dengue fever is the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The mosquito spreads the virus in the blood of the affected and major symptoms include fever and pain in the joints, bones, and muscles. In extreme cases, the disease may cause breakbone fever, and may lead to extensive hemorrhaging in the organs, known as hemorrhagic fever .
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