N105: Essentials of Nursing Care - Health Differences

N105 -- ATP SG -- Nursing 105 -- Updated 09.12.20173
Chapter One: Nutrition9
1.1 Physiology of Nutrition9
1.2 Nutrients11
1.3 Nutritional Needs19
1.4 Medications25
1.5 Nutritional Assessment28
1.6 Nutritional Support29
Chapter One Practice Questions35
Chapter Two: Elimination39
2.1 The Large Intestine39
2.2 Fecal Elimination41
2.3 Common Disturbances of the Intestines42
2.4 Bowel Diversion Ostomies45
2.5 Enemas47
2.6 Laxatives48
2.7 Urinary Elimination50
Chapter Two Practice Questions57
Chapter Three: Oxygenation67
3.1 Physiology of the Respiratory System67
3.2 Oxygenation69
3.3 Pulmonary Physiology72
3.4 Physiology of the Cardiovascular System74
3.5 Blood75
3.6 Pediatric Variations77
3.7 Complications of Oxygen Therapy77
3.8 Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities78
3.9 Arterial Blood Gases78
Chapter Three Practice Questions84
Chapter Four: Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance87
4.1 Principles Related to Normal Fluid and Electrolyte Balance87
4.2 Regulation of Body Fluid Compartments87
4.3 Common IV Fluids90
4.4 Regulating Electrolytes90
4.5 Common Diseases93
4.6 Common Risk Factors for Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Disorders98
4.7 Nursing Procedures99
Chapter Four Practice Questions104
Chapter Five: Activity and Mobility107
5.1 Normal Movement107
5.2 Exercise107
5.3 Factors Influencing Activity and Mobility109
5.4 Effects of Immobility110
5.5 Nursing Procedures112
5.6 Body Mechanics113
5.7 Positioning Clients113
5.8 Interventions116
5.9 Joints116
5.10 Nursing Procedures119
Chapter Five Practice Questions120
Chapter Six: Rest and Sleep123
6.1 Stages of Sleep123
6.2 Circadian Rhythm125
6.3 Factors Influencing the Patient’s Rest and Sleep126
6.4 Common Disturbances in Sleep127
6.5 Nursing Procedures129
Chapter Six Practice Questions131
Appendix A: Practice Examination135
Appendix B: Answer Keys158

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