N105: Essentials of Nursing Care - Health Differences
Essentials of Nursing Study Guide
The mouth and pharynx The mouth and pharynx are composted of: • lips, inner and buccal mucosa • tongue and floor of the mouth • tonsillar pillars and the tonsils • teeth and gums (by age 25 most have all their permanent teeth) including the food microorganisms and epithelial elements on teeth and gums • hard and soft palate, uvula, salivary glands (there are three pairs that empty into the oral cavity) o parotid gland: the largest and empties thru the Stensen’s duct opposite the second molar o submandibular gland: empties through Wharton’s duct, situated at the side of the frenulum sublingually and lies in the floor of the mouth and has numerous openings Problems that frequently affect the teeth and mouth are dental caries (cavities), periodontal disease (pyorrhea), plaque (invisible film that adheres to the tooth enamel, and consists of bacteria, saliva, epithelial cells and leukocytes), tartar (visible hard deposits of plaque that forms at the gum lines), gingivitis (red swollen gums), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), parotitis (inflammation of the parotid salivary gland) and sordes (accumulation of foul matter). Nursing assessment of the mouth and pharynx includes: • inspection of teeth and gums, inner lips and buccal mucosa • inspection of missing teeth, ill-fitting prosthesis, discoloration of teeth, redness/bleeding, and receding gum lines • assess client’s dentures • assess the tongue and the floor of the mouth, documenting the position, movement, color, texture, palpate for nodules, lumps, and excoriated areas • check for swelling or redness of the salivary glands, looking for color, shape, texture, position, presence of bony prominences of the uvula and palates • assess color, texture, size and signs and symptoms of infection of the oropharynx and tonsils • obtain objective data which may include anthropometric data (height, weight, body mass index, triceps skin fold measurement, mid-armmeasurement and physical assessment of skin, hairs, nails and mucous membranes)
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