N108: Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse

N108: Transition to the Registered Professional Nurse Role Study Guide To avoid conflict, one should recognize differences, prepare for resolution, recognize conflict, and analyze the situation to determine the source of conflict, being prepared to discuss areas of disagreement. The critical element is not that conflict comes about, but how to deal with the conflict. Conflict resolution is when the conflict is resolved. Conflict management is the process through which the conflict is recognized and resolved. A positive result of conflict can result in personal growth and development. We learn by contrasting our values and beliefs with those of others and as we learn about others we learn about ourselves. Conflict can provide the motivation to bring about change and contribute to innovation and creativity. Conflict can open new channels of communication, and can be a positive source of energy by invigorating others. Conflict can help employees of an organization gain a better understanding of other’s jobs and responsibilities. Types of conflict The approach to dealing with conflict may vary depending on the type of conflict: • Intrapersonal: This occurs within one’s self in circumstances when a choice must be made between two alternatives. Choosing one alternative means you cannot have the other, and both choices carry benefits and drawbacks. The conflict occurs within the individual. • Interpersonal: This conflict occurs between or among individuals. This is where differences in values, ideas, perceptions, and goals play an important role. Different leadership styles and organizational climates can also result in interpersonal conflict. • Intergroup: Conflict is seen when two or more groups of people or departments struggle for power, authority, territory, or resources. Each group operates within its own value system, attributing negative stereotypes to the other group. • Organizational conflict: Conflicts originate within the structure or function of an organization. Typically, the policies, procedures, channels of communication, and style of management generate conflict. The leader’s role and behavior are particularly important to both the origin of the conflict and to the resolution of issues. Role ambiguity and role conflict are major causes of organizational conflict. Conflict frequently occurs due to a lack of good job descriptions and miscommunication regarding what is expected. The structure of an organization may also lead to conflict and conflict can also arise when a scarcity of resources exists, which can be money, supplies, equipment, space, or personnel. Role ambiguity refers to a situation in which the role is not clearly defined. Role conflict occurs when two or more individuals have role descriptions that overlap. There are three types of conflict outcomes to help resolve an issue or manage an issue: • Lose-lose outcome: There are no winners and the resolution of the conflict is unsatisfactory to both parties. • Win-lose outcome: One person obtains desired goals in the situation and the other fails to receive what is desired. • Win-win outcome: Both parties walk away from the conflict feeling that they achieved most of the things that were important to them (most desirable type of outcome).


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