N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2
Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide
Types of insulin preparations Action Generic Name Time Frame Rapid Humalog Onset: 5-15 min; Peak: 1-1.5 hr; Duration: 3-4 hr Give SQ 10 minutes before meal; can give with NPH and give immediately Rapid Novolog Onset: 10-20 min; Peak: 1-3 hr; Duration: 3-5 hr Give SQ 5-10 min before meal; can give with NPH and give immediately Rapid Apidra Onset: 15-30 min; Peak: 1 hr; Duration: 3-5 hr Give SQ 15 min before meal; can give with NPH and give immediately Short Humulin R, Novolin R Onset: 30-60 min; Peak: 1-5 hr; Duration: 6 Give SQ 30-60 min before meal; can give with NPH (draw up regular first); can give IV; can mix with sterile water or normal saline Intermediate NPH; Humulin N Onset: 1-2 hr; Peak: none; Duration: 16-24 hr Give SQ; cloudy in appearance; can mix with Humalog, Apidra, and regular Long Levemir Onset: 3-8 hr; Peak: none; Duration: 24 hr Give SQ once or twice daily; do not mix with any other types of insulin Long Lantus Onset: 2-4 hr; Peak: none; Duration: 24 hr Give SQ once daily at same time of day; do not mix with any other types of insulin
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