N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2
Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide 25. As a new graduate, you are caring for a patient who had a parathyroidectomy and is now four hours post-op. Suddenly, your preceptor tells you that your patient is developing a complication common to patients following a parathyroidectomy. You know you will most likely have to administer which type of medication? a. Phosphorus b. Calcium c. Potassium d. Glucose 26. Jeannette and Mike O'Riley would like to know more about the rhythm method as a form of birth control. Among other things, she should be told to take her temperature: a. Daily, just before going to sleep everynight b. Daily, as soon as she wakes up and before arising from the bed c. Thirty minutes prior to intercourse d. Daily during her menstrual cycle 27. Henry Adams has been diagnosed as a schizophrenic, paranoid type. Which type of thought pattern is he least likely tomanifest? a. Magical b. Autistic c. Irrational d. Abstract 28. Depression is a complex disorder and affects each individual differently. All of the following are ways depression manifests itself except: a. Unreasonable fear b. Constant feelings of dejection c. Turning outward anger d. Experiencing inappropriate or excessive guilt, self-hatred, and feelings of worthlessness 29. Susie Benson, a 3-year-old with cystic fibrosis, is beginning her first day at a new daycare. Which type of stools should the workers at the center be told to expect from her? a. Large amounts of black liquid b. Foul smelling liquid c. Large, pale d. Small, hard, andodorless ©2017 Achieve Test Prep Page 117 of 140
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