N212: Health Differences Across the Life Span 2
Health Differences Across the Lifespan 2 Study Guide 90. Ovada Villious has been admitted with renal calculi of unknown origin. As an independent nursing intervention, you should encourage her to: a. Avoid milk and milk products b. Increase her intake of cranberry juice c. Avoid salt d. Increase her intake of water and other fluids 91. Delia Stuart is an 84-year-old woman with senile dementia. She imitates motions made by others, even though there is no meaning behind her actions. This type of behavior could be termed any of the following except: a. Echokinesia b. Echolalia c. Echopathy d. Echopraxia 92. Rodney Cline is a 5-year-old diagnosed with leukemia. His condition just took a serious turn for the worse today. When you answer his call light, his mother screams at you, "What took you so long! He could have died! You and all the rest of the people around here are incompetent. I hate all of you!" The most therapeutic response you could give would be to say: a. "I know you're just upset over Rodney. You don't really think we're incompetent." b. “You must be having some really strong feelings through all this. Let’s talk about what you're feeling." c. "You must be very depressed about your son's condition. You need to get in touch with your feelings." d. "This hospital only hires the most competent doctors and nurses. I think you already know that, or Rodney wouldn't be here now." 93. Psychic energy, as proposed by Freud, originates in the: a. Id b. Ego c. Superego d. Electra
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